Creating Browse Groups

To create and edit browse goups in your help project, choose the Browse Groups command from the Tools menu. The appeared editor allows to create and edit browse groups, and add help topics to them. How to use this editor is described below.

Creating a Browse Group
Enter a name for the new group and click the Create button.

Removing a Browse Group
Select the group you want to remove in the drop-down list and click the Remove button. After removing a browse group all help topics included to it become available for adding to another browse group.

Adding Topics to a Browse Group
Select the group you want to add topics to. Select the necessary topics in the Available Topics list and click the Add button.

Removing Topics from a Browse Group
Select the group you want to remove topics from. Select the necessary topics in the Included Topics list and click the Remove button.

Editing the Topic Order
Select the group whose topic order you want to edit. Select the topic you want to move in the Included Topics list and use the Up and Down buttons to move it.